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Project Management

We have a committed workforce at your disposal, dedicated to obliging your operational deliverables with the best of skills and intentions.

We will assist you in all stages of the project life, from Initiation (i.e. inception), Planning (Preliminary & Detailed Design), and Execution (Build/ Construction) to Monitoring & Control (Testing, Snagging and Defect Correction), Closure (Handover) and beyond (Instituting planned maintenance and major intervention works).

We can deliver an integrated project management service including but not limited to the below:

  • Early Contractor Involvement including the preparation of client briefs.

  • Quantity Surveying including procurement.

  • Stakeholder Consultation and the preparations of Works Programmes.

  • Preparation of Site Execution Plans and undertaking Site Supervision roles.

  • Liaison with Third Parties (Network Rail, Environment Agency, Port of London Authority etc.) for Technical Approval, granting of access rights, and licences.

  • Compiling Health and Safety Files

  • Ability to appoint and manage various specialist sub-consultants and contractors on large scale schemes.

  • Risk Management, production, and distribution of works notifications letters, and filling in F10 Forms on behalf of clients for notifiable construction projects in accordance with CDM 2015 to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

  • Production of Site-specific Risk Assessments and Method Statements



For an example of where Damjul Ltd have supplied Project Management services please see the below project at Old Dover Road.

Old Dover Road

Project background

A London Highway Alliance Contract (LoHAC) project on behalf of KIER (LoHAC South Area) for the main client, Transport for London (TfL).

The works are part of the client’s ongoing commitment to public safety as well as maintaining the structural integrity of Old Dover Road Bridge, which carries the A207 and crosses the A102 (Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach) in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, London.

Project description

Damjul Ltd carried out Structures Condition Survey of the Expansion Joints (including Endoscopy of the Ballast wall), CCTV Surveys of the Service Bays, Trial Hole Testing along the carriageway and footway. Various remedial measures were recommended, and preliminary designs carried out.

The purpose of the investigations is to establish structural integrity checks, offer recommendations and key information to inform the detailed design process (i.e. Phase 2 of the works).

Services Provided

Project Management, Structures Inspections, Endoscope Survey, Trial Hole Testing and reinstatement of surfacing material, Technical Reporting, Preliminary Design.

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